Jaan Raik

4 records found

Survey on Architectural Attacks

A Unified Classification and Attack Model

According to the World Economic Forum, cyberattacks are considered as one of the most important sources of risk to companies and institutions worldwide. Attacks can target the network, software, and/or hardware. Over the years, much knowledge has been developed to understand and ...


A Lightweight Detector for Cache ATtacks

Cache attacks are one of the most wide-spread and dangerous threats to embedded computing systems' security. A promising approach to detect such attacks at runtime is to monitor the System-on-Chip (SoC) behavior. However, designing a secure SoC capable of detecting such attacks i ...
In the recent years, cache based side-channel attacks have become a serious threat for computers. To face this issue, researches have been looking at verifying the security policies. However, these approaches are limited to manual security verification and they typically work for ...
Integrated circuits typically contain design margins to compensate for aging. As aging impact increases with technology scaling, bigger margins are necessary to achieve the desired reliability. However, these increased margins lead to a reduced performance and lower yield. Altern ...