PH Schavemaker

59 records found

This paper presents the concept of an 'empty network' and shows how the power balance can be controlled in such a system. In this study, an 'empty network' is defined as a transmission system in which no rotating mass is present. All generators are connected to distributed system ...
This paper presents the concept of an "empty network" and shows how the power balance can be maintained in such a system. In this study, an "empty network" is defined as a power system in which no rotating mass is present; all generators are grid-connected via power electronic in ...
In a liberalized electricity market, the use of phase shift ing transformers or other power ¿ow controlling devices allows the transmission system operator to utilize the avail able grid infrastructure in a more optimal way. However, each phase shifter adds a degrees of freedom t ...
Stochastic generation, i.e., electrical power production by an uncontrolled primary energy source, is expected to play an important role in future power systems. A new power system structure is created due to the large-scale implementation of this small-scale, distributed, non-di ...