
J.N.H. van Liempt

6 records found

Municipalities invest a lot of time and person-hours into manual building permit checks. With the increase in computational power and the use of Building Information Models (BIM) in the building design life cycle, several municipalities are investing in automating these checks us ...
In this paper, we present our workflow to automatically reconstruct three-dimensional (3D) building models based on two-dimensional building polygons and a lidar point cloud. The workflow generates models at different levels of detail (LoDs) to support data require-ments of diffe ...
Fully automated reconstruction of high-detail building models on a national scale is challenging. It raises a set of problems that are seldom found when processing smaller areas, single cities. Often there is no reference, ground truth available to evaluate the quality of the rec ...

Reference study of IFC software support

The GeoBIM benchmark 2019—Part I

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), the buildingSMART open standard for BIM, is underused with respect to its promising potential, since, according to the experience of practitioners and researchers working with BIM, issues in the standard’s implementation and use prevent its effe ...
3D-toepassingen gaan vaak gepaard met de wens om gebouwen met dakvormen te modelleren. Na jaren onderzoek en ontwikkeling hebben we in Delft een methode gerealiseerd die volledig automatisch dakvormen (LoD2) reconstrueert uit puntenwolken en 2D-pandpolygonen. Met deze methode heb ...

Reference study of CityGML software support

The GeoBIM benchmark 2019—Part II

OGC CityGML is an open standard for 3D city models intended to foster interoperability and support various applications. However, through our practical experience and discussions with practitioners, we have noticed several problems related to the implementation of the standard an ...