Michael A. Ainslie

12 records found

Investigation of sound pressure waveforms helps the selection of appropriate metrics to evaluate their effects on marine life in relation to noise thresholds. As marine animals move farther away from a sound source, the temporal characteristics of sound pressure may be influenced ...
Effective measures for protecting and preserving the marine environment require an understanding of the potential impact of anthropogenic sound on marine life. A crucial component is a proper assessment of the anthropogenic soundscape: which sounds are present where, when and how ...

International Airgun Modeling Workshop

Validation of Source Signature and Sound Propagation Models - Dublin (Ireland), July 16, 2016 - Problem Description

Computer models can be used to predict the sound field near an airgun or airgun array. The accuracy of such predictions can be assessed either by a process of verification (comparison with alternative theoretical solution to the same computational problem) or by validation (compa ...
An analytical formulation for the calculation of the range and depth-dependence of propagation loss in isospeed water is introduced. The range-dependent bathymetry is handled with Weston's ray invariant approach, requiring a gradually varying water depth. The depth dependence of ...
Comparisons are made of sound pressure and particle acceleration predicted by two methods in the vicinity of two arrays of marine-seismic airguns. Data describing the array properties and the environmental conditions are taken from test cases designed to facilitate intermodel com ...
The European Union requires member states to achieve or maintain good environmental status for their marine territorial waters and explicitly mentions potentially adverse effects of underwater sound. In this study, we focused on producing maps of underwater sound from various nat ...
Sound mapping over large areas can be computationally expensive because of the large number of sources and large source-receiver separations involved. In order to facilitate computation, a simplifying assumption sometimes made is to neglect the sound speed gradient in shallow wat ...
The production of underwater sound is more and more considered to be an environmental risk. This has already been the case for military sonar for more than a decade, as sonar was identified as a possible cause of marine mammal strandings. The approach we adapted for military sona ...
Concern about possible impact of human activity on marine life has led to regulation in the USA and the EU. The EU's Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires member states to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) by 2020. Descriptor 11 of GES is "Introduction of energy, inc ...