C. Harvey-Scholes
5 records found
How to accelerate the heat transition: a guide for local government and actors
Module 4- Technology choices, data, and mapping for sustainable heating
This document is one of a four-part guide on how to accelerate the heat
transition in cities. In this module the technical and physical aspects of the transition from fossil to renewable heating are emphasised. In the first section the reader is informed about the reasons why ...
transition in cities. In this module the technical and physical aspects of the transition from fossil to renewable heating are emphasised. In the first section the reader is informed about the reasons why ...
How to accelerate the heat transition: a guide for local government and actors
Module 3 - Non-financial policy tools for sustainable heating: city strategies, regulation and support
Pioneer cities have demonstrated a willingness and capability to decarbonise local heat systems, but support is needed to scale up action. Heat decarbonisation is not simply a technical challenge, but also a political and social one; stakeholders must inform decisions about appro
How to accelerate the heat transition: a guide for local government and actors
Module 2 - Financial policy, instruments for sustainable heating
SHIFFT is an Interreg 2 Seas project, running from 2019-2022, promoting cross-border cooperation between 4 European countries: The Netherlands, France, Belgium and The United Kingdom. It has been approved under the priority ‘Low Carbon Technologies’.@en