K.H. Huisman
4 records found
Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) Effect
Magnetocurrent-Voltage Characteristics with Coulomb Interactions I
One of the manifestations of chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS) is the appearance of a magnetocurrent. Magnetocurrent is the observation that the charge currents at finite bias in a two terminal device for opposite magnetizations of one of the leads differ. Magnetocurrents
In this thesis we perform a theoretical study on the Chirality Induced Spin Selectivity effect in the context of two-terminal measurements for realistic parameters. In twoterminal measurements on chiral molecules one of the leads is magnetized and the current is measured for oppo
CISS effect
Magnetocurrent-voltage characteristics with Coulomb interactions. II
One of the manifestations of chirality-induced spin selectivity is the appearance of a magnetocurrent. Magnetocurrent is defined as the difference between the charge currents at finite bias in a two terminal device for opposite magnetizations of one of the leads. In experiments o
CISS Effect
A Magnetoresistance through Inelastic Scattering
One of the manifestations of chirality-induced spin selectivity is the magnetoresistance (MR) in two-terminal transport measurements on molecular junctions. This paper investigates the effect of spin-orbit coupling in the leads on the polarization of the transmission. A helicene