Wind turbines experience a wide variety of load cases, both when in operation and when parked. While a turbine in operating conditions often experiences larger loads than in parked conditions, uniquely large inflow angles may occur in parked conditions resulting in less well-unde
Wind turbines experience a wide variety of load cases, both when in operation and when parked. While a turbine in operating conditions often experiences larger loads than in parked conditions, uniquely large inflow angles may occur in parked conditions resulting in less well-understood aeroelastic conditions. Vibrations under these conditions are referred to as stall and vortex-induced vibrations (SVIV). While there has been some success in simulating these conditions, there has been a lack of experimental studies in the literature.
To address this gap, this study analyses the experimental data obtained from a 3.8 MW research wind turbine. This turbine was equipped with strain gauges at the root of 2 blades and in the tower, as well as pressure sensors on one blade and accelerometers in the nacelle and tower. Several experiments were performed with a focus on simulating various conditions where SVIV may occur. This included pitch traverses of a single blade, yaw traverses, and a traverse of the azimuth angle at a yaw angle of 90 degrees to determine the effect of the inclination angle.
Severe stall-induced vibrations were identified at the yaw angle of 110 degrees, when a single blade pointing up in the sky was pitched 180 degrees, and the other two blades were in vane positions at 85 degrees pitch. The severity of these vibrations strongly varied with the wind speed, at an average wind speed of 19.5 m/s the test needed to be stopped early for the safety of the wind turbine, while at 16.6 m/s, the vibrations appeared to reach a limit that was still considered to be safe. The first tower mode experienced the most severe increase in magnitude during these conditions of SIV. In other conditions, no severe case of SIV was identified. However, under several conditions, smaller increases in vibration magnitude were identified. These are likely the result of slightly reduced aerodynamic damping.
No vortex shedding was identified in the data obtained from these experiments. This means that the tested turbine/blade design either did not experience vortex shedding or that it simply could not be measured by the installed instruments. Having pressure sensors installed in multiple locations along the blade would likely help in identifying vortex shedding for future experiments.
Simulations from the experimental conditions were performed using the aeroelastic software PHATAS together with the aero module from ECN (now part of TNO). This simulation used beam-based structural modeling with either a BEM or free vortex wake aerodynamic model. These simulations confirmed the need for realistic turbulent inflow conditions and the need for a good dynamic stall model. However, the structural model failed to simulate all the natural frequencies with the expected accuracy. This should be improved upon for future use of this structural model in parked conditions.