Circular Image

30 records found


The aim of this paper is to compare two classes of structured ambiguity sets, which are data-driven and can reduce the conservativeness of their associated optimization problems. These two classes of structured sets, coined Wasserstein hyperrectangles and multi-transport hyperrec ...

We present a novel framework for formal control of uncertain discrete-time switched stochastic systems against probabilistic reach-avoid specifications. In particular, we consider stochastic systems with additive noise, whose distribution lies in an ambiguity set of distributi ...

This paper provides a data-driven solution to the problem of coverage control by which a team of robots aims to optimally deploy in a spatial region where certain event of interest may occur. This event is random and described by a probability density function, which is unknow ...

Ambiguity sets of probability distributions are a prominent tool to hedge against distributional uncertainty in stochastic optimization. The aim of this paper is to build tight Wasserstein ambiguity sets for data-driven optimization problems. The method exploits independence betw ...
This paper introduces a spectral parameterization of ambiguity sets to hedge against distributional uncertainty in stochastic optimization problems. We build an ambiguity set of probability densities around a histogram estimator, which is constructed by independent samples from t ...


Many recent robot learning problems, real and simulated, were addressed using deep reinforcement learning. The developed policies can deal with high-dimensional, continuous state and action spaces, and can also incorporate machine-generated or human demonstration data. A great nu ...
Event-Triggered Control (ETC) is a control method where the controller is only updated when necessary. The control inputs are kept fixed until a state-dependent event triggers their re-computation. The triggering condition is designed to guarantee the stability and desired perfor ...
This research aims at quantifying the uncertainty in the predictions of tensor network constrained kernel machines, focusing on the Canonical Polyadic Decomposition (CPD) constrained kernel machine. Constraining the parameters in the kernel machine optimization problem to be a CP ...

Data-Driven Modeling of the Brain Using EEG Data with Exogenous Input

A Dynamic Network Identification Approach to Determine Brain Connectivity

The human brain, with its intricate web of billions of neurons and trillions of synaptic connections, is a remarkable organ responsible for performing complex cognitive processes. While brain imaging techniques like fMRI and EEG provide insights into neural activity, there is no ...
There is growing interest to control cyber-physical systems under complex specifications while retaining formal performance guarantees. In this thesis we present a framework for formal control of uncertain systems under complex specifications. We consider dynamical systems with r ...

Hydrofoil crafts with fully submerged foils can provide fast and economical waterway transport. However, their operation requires reliable onboard control systems to ensure the safety and comfort of their passengers, especially in rough sea conditions. This t ...

The high-tech industry continuously pushes the boundaries of controller performance to achieve faster and more precise machines. Currently, linear control is the standard in the industry. These controllers suffer from the waterbed effect and Bode's phase/gain relation, which impo ...
To extract energy from wind, both Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT)s and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)s are used. Different from the HAWT, the axis of rotation of the VAWT is perpendicular to the ground. This vertical design offers some unique advantages for the VAWT. For e ...
Research in passive Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems has gained traction over the last few years. Although passive HVAC is not a new concept, advances in environment sensing, control methods, and hardware have made it a more viable method. Some difficulti ...
The increased diffusion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) into energy distribution systems gives rise to a number of issues that the Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) need to face. The dependency of RES on weather, along with their intermittent and non-dispatchable nature, ur ...
With the use of simulation models, predicting and optimising the correct dynamic behaviour and parameters of a propulsion system of a ship can be performed cheap and safe. However, capturing the right dynamic behaviour is very difficult. Besides, building simulation models and de ...
To meet the demanding requirements on the environmental impact of aircraft, radically new aircraft concepts need to be developed. Within the NOVAIR project, Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) tests these new concepts on a Scaled flight demonstrator (SFD). Using an SFD allow ...
Uncertainty can be defined as imperfect or unknown information arising in a stochastic environment. Due to the very limited knowledge, it is difficult to propagate and quantify various uncertainties affecting the system to its next step. As a result, it has been a challenge to c ...
The scheduling algorithm of the printer is an important factor that affects printing efficiency. For current printers, paper scheduling often follows the first-in-first-out principle, so it is often not optimal. The printer system is a type of semi-cyclic discrete-event system wi ...

Event-triggered control for automotive systems

Theoretical analysis and experimental research

Vehicles are becoming increasingly complex and the resource-demanding due to the developments aimed at driving autonomy. Viewing an automobile as a cyber-physical system (CPS), this work applies the advances of controls applied to CPS for improving resource-consumption. One such ...