People spontaneously synchronize their mental states and behavioral actions when they interact. This paper models general mechanisms that can lead to the emergence of interpersonal synchrony by multiple agents with internal cognitive and affective states. In our simulations, one
People spontaneously synchronize their mental states and behavioral actions when they interact. This paper models general mechanisms that can lead to the emergence of interpersonal synchrony by multiple agents with internal cognitive and affective states. In our simulations, one agent was exposed to a repeated stimulus and the other agent started to synchronize consecutively its movements, affects, conscious emotions and verbal actions with the exposed agent. The behavior displayed by the agents was consistent with theory and empirical evidence from the psychological and neuroscience literature. These results shed new light on the emergence of interpersonal synchrony in a wide variety of settings, from close relationships to psychotherapy. Moreover, the present work could provide a basis for future development of socially responsive virtual agents.@en