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Alvaro Balderrama Chiappe

5 records found

As cities continue to expand and densify, understanding how buildings affect people’s perception and experience of the acoustic environment in context becomes more relevant. This paper presents a conceptual framework of the influence of façades on the urban soundscape, based on t ...
As cities continue to expand and densify, understanding how buildings affect people’s perception and experience of the acoustic environment in context becomes more relevant. This paper presents a conceptual framework of the influ-ence of façades on the urban soundscape, based on ...
Natural ventilation in a building is an effective way to achieve acceptable indoor air quality. Ventilation dilutes contaminants such as bioeffluents generated by occupants, substances emitted from building materials, and the water vapor generated by occupants’ activities. In a b ...
People in cities are often exposed to complex mixtures of sounds, some originating from nature along with some created by human activities like traffic noise, sounds of industrial machinery, or music. This research aimed to study how the acoustic environment of a university campu ...
Façades cover a significant amount of surfaces in cities and are in constant interaction with the acoustic environment. Noise pollution is one of the most concerning burdens for public health and wellbeing; however, façade acoustic performance is generally not considered in outdo ...