C. Chesi

3 records found

Seismic sequence of 2016–17

Linear and non-linear interpretation models for evolution of damage in San Francesco church, Amatrice

This work presents a numerical simulation of the church of San Francesco, Amatrice, and subsequent interpretation of the evolution of damage and collapse mechanisms that were caused by the main events of the seismic sequence that hit the Apennine area of Central Italy in 2016. Th ...
The problem of seismic safety assessment is discussed with reference to the case of an historical reinforced concrete bridge; specifically, a bridge located in Songavazzo, Italy across the Valeggia river, completed in 1911. Experimental testing has been performed, providing all t ...

The seismic sequence of 2016–2017 in Central Italy

A numerical insight on the survival of the Civic Tower in Amatrice

This work is aimed at the numerical interpretation of the evolution of damage and collapses observed on the Civic Tower of Amatrice, caused by the main events of the seismic sequence of 2016 in the Apennine area of Central Italy. In particular, the study considers the response of ...