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JB van Lier
Academic Work (30)
Book chapter (3)
Conference paper (14)
Journal article (13)
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30 records found
Pathogen removal in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors
Conference paper (2010) -
RE Yaya Beas (author)
G Zeeman (author)
M Dengremont (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Combination of methanogenesis and denitrification in a uasb reactor for water reclamation applied to small agglomerations
Journal article (2010) -
D Mateo-sagasta Davila (author)
G Khassab (author)
A Klapwijk (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Anaerobic membrane bioreactors: are membranes really necessary?
Conference paper (2008) -
D Jeison (author)
E Dias (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Biobrandstof uit afvalwater
Journal article (2008) -
JB van Lier (author)
M Luteijn (author)
Feasibility of thermophilic anaerobic submerged membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment
Journal article (2008) -
D Jeison (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of grey water for reuse requirements and treatment alternatives: the case of jordan
Journal article (2008) -
L Abu Ghunmi (author)
AJ Zeeman (author)
JB van Lier (author)
M Fayyed (author)
Sanitation challenge, new sanitation concepts and models of governance; main conclusions and discussion points of the IWA conference in Wageningen
Conference paper (2008) -
G Zeeman (author)
K Kujawa (author)
B van Vliet (author)
B. van Vliet (author)
G Scanto (author)
G Spaargaren (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Implications of reactor type and conditions on first-order hydrolysis rate assessment of maize silage
Conference paper (2008) -
CP Pabón-Pereira (author)
J. Zhao (author)
J Zhao (author)
B Elmekci (author)
G Zeeman (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Anaerobics for wastewater treatment, energy recovery and green house gas emmision reduction
Conference paper (2008) -
JB van Lier (author)
AM Zeeman (author)
De papierfabriek
Journal article (2008) -
JB van Lier (author)
M Luteijn (author)
Impact of high saline wastewaters on anaerobic granular sludge functionalities
Journal article (2008) -
D Jeison (author)
A del Rio (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Slug flow characterisation for cake layer control in inside-out external anaerobic membrane bioreactors
Conference paper (2008) -
H Lindeboom (author)
H. Temmink (author)
Hardy Temmink (author)
GV Smith (author)
D Jeison (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Anaerobic wastewater treatment and membrane filtration: a one night stand or a sustainable relationship?
Journal article (2008) -
D Jeison (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Feasibility of anaerobic membrane bioreactors for the treatment of wastewaters with particulate organic matter
Journal article (2008) -
D Jeison (author)
W van Betuw (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Sustainability in environmental protection; mdg over ewfd
Conference paper (2008) -
JB van Lier (author)
G Lettinga (author)
Application of membrane enhanced biomass retention to the anarobic treatment of acidified wastewaters under extreme saline conditions
Journal article (2008) -
D Jeison (author)
T Kremers (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Effect of humic and fulvic acids on the anaerobic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass
Conference paper (2008) -
R Fernandes (author)
I Sciubidlo (author)
NR Sancho (author)
A Paz Blazquez (author)
AM Zeeman (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Reconsidering urban sewer and treatment facilities in East Africa as interplay of material flows, sanitary networks and space demands
Conference paper (2008) -
S Letema (author)
B. van Vliet (author)
B van Vliet (author)
JB van Lier (author)
Anaerobic biological wastewater treatment
Book chapter (2008) -
JB van Lier (author)
N Mahmoud (author)
G Zeeman (author)
Men gebruikt sanitair pas als het een bepaalde status heeft
Journal article (2008) -
JB van Lier (author)