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H.M. Jagtman
Academic Work (80)
Abstract (4)
Book (4)
Conference paper (34)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (16)
Report (21)
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80 records found
Opstellen van korte alarmberichten is een kwestie van opleiden, trainen en oefenen : Welke expertise is echt nodig voor korte alarmberichten
Journal article (2013) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
Writing short alarm messages: A matter of education, training and practice
Conference paper (2013) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
Writing short alarm messages : A matter of education, training and practice
Conference paper (2013) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
NL-Alert: meer dan een sirene in je telefoon
Journal article (2013) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
NL-Alert : Het verhaal achter de reclame met de vader die water over de taart gooit
Journal article (2013) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
Opstellen van korte alarmberichten is een kwestie van opleiden, trainen en oefenen : Welke expertise is echt nodig voor korte alarmberichten
Conference paper (2013) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
Methodological issues and pitfalls of short safety culture questionnaires
Conference paper (2013) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
F. Koornneef (author)
R Akselsson (author)
S Stewart (author)
Conveying results of a safety culture survey
Conference paper (2012) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
F. Koornneef (author)
Disaster communication: composing messages to alarm the population in danger: an expert job?
Abstract (2012) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
S. Sillem (author)
Design for safety: A new service for alarmering and informing the population in case of ermergency
Conference paper (2012) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
NL-Alert: na welk alarmbericht komt u in actie? Resultaten van een webbased experiment waarin de bevolking helpt effectieve berichten voor burgeralarmering te ontwikkelen
Report (2012) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
S. Sillem (author)
Ben Ale (author)
Environmental rule violations of chemical corporations
Abstract (2012) -
M.H.A. Kluin (author)
H.M. Jagtman (author)
Analysis of the Schiphol Cell Complex fire using a Bayesian belief net based model
Journal article (2012) -
D.M. Hanea (author)
H.M. Jagtman (author)
BJM Ale (author)
Hoe hoorde u van de brand bij Chemie-Pack in Moerdijk? Rapportage, bevindingen, vragenlijstonderzoek
Book (2011) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
BJM Ale (author)
M.H.A. Kluin (author)
S. Sillem (author)
Citizens alarming research: bridging from evaluation of cell broadcast trails to alarming the population via NL-Alert in practice
Conference paper (2011) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
Bouwstenen voor alarmberichten in het kader van NL-Alert
Report (2011) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
S. Sillem (author)
Ben Ale (author)
Overview of methods on modeling risks of ship in the presence of Bridge
Conference paper (2010) -
F. Xiao (author)
BJM Ale (author)
H.M. Jagtman (author)
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the expert and non-expert opinion in fire risk in buildings
Journal article (2010) -
D.M. Hanea (author)
H.M. Jagtman (author)
L.L.M.M. Alphen, van (author)
Ben Ale (author)
Longitudinal study of determine long-term experience of Cell Broadcast for citizens' alarming
Conference paper (2010) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)
S. Sillem (author)
Cell Broadcast trials in The Netherlands: using mobile phone technology for citizens alarming
Journal article (2010) -
H.M. Jagtman (author)