Action is working on sustainability in social compliance, materials, packaging and circularity but they still have a long way to go in becoming circular. The European Union is taking steps towards a circular economy with the New Circular Economy Action plan, The Green Deal and th
Action is working on sustainability in social compliance, materials, packaging and circularity but they still have a long way to go in becoming circular. The European Union is taking steps towards a circular economy with the New Circular Economy Action plan, The Green Deal and the Right to Repair. Countries and companies are taking measures where legislation on the European level is taking too long. Action’s geographic expansion is ending and needs to look for new opportunities. This thesis will focus on helping Action to take their responsibility in the cycle of products to make them more circular. This will help Action to stay resilient with upcoming European legislation, by being in compliance with present and foreseeable circularity legislation .This has led to the following research question: How to help Action in becoming Circular to stay resilient with present and foreseeable legislation?
Using the double diamond method the most vulnerable product group and corresponding circularity strategy was selected. The first diamond was used to select a product group to focus on and what strategy should be applied. The focus should be on repairability as it is a starting point for other CE strategies. Electrical and electronic equipment is the most vulnerable product group to legislation and is forcing Action to take responsibility after Energy Related Products (ErP) have been sold. ErP have the biggest potential to reduce CO2 emissions. Therefore, Action should focus on selling repairable ErP as a step towards circularity. The buyer has a lot of power in making decisions but is lacking the knowledge of making decisions in terms of circularity. The problem that needs to be solved is that the buyer is making decisions on purchasing ErP products while lacking repairability knowledge. This is developed in the last diamond of the double diamond method.
To help Action stay resilient with present and foreseeable legislation a repairability index is made which Action can use to quantify the repairability of products. This repairability index is specific for every ErP group and is made by Action. This is made possible through an index guide that helps select priority parts and reference values for the repairability index of every specific ErP group. Suppliers can fill in the repairability index using the supplier guide. A repairability index feedback system is used by the buyers to keep track of the repairability of the products they buy. The repairability index is accompanied by a future vision which aims that Action has build a vibrant ecosystem through innovative partnerships and collaborations in 2035, where Action works together with its manufacturers, repairers and customers to create a circular future where customers are empowered to repair Action's durable products more easily. Getting here is explained through a roadmap with three horizons.