The implementation of eHealth applications often fails. The NASSS (nonadoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, and sustainability) framework aims to identify complexities in eHealth applications; the more complex, the more risk of implementation failure.
The implementation of eHealth applications often fails. The NASSS (nonadoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, and sustainability) framework aims to identify complexities in eHealth applications; the more complex, the more risk of implementation failure.
This study aimed to analyze the implementation of the web-based advance care planning (ACP) program “Explore Your Preferences for Treatment and Care” using the NASSS framework.
The NASSS framework enables a systematic approach to improve the implementation of eHealth tools. It is aimed at generating a rich and situated analysis of complexities in multiple domains, based on thematic analysis of existing and newly collected data. It also aims at supporting individuals and organizations to handle these complexities. We used 6 of 7 domains of the NASSS framework (ie, condition, technology, value proposition, adopters, external context, and embedding and adaptation over time) leaving out “organization,” and analyzed the multimodal dataset of a web-based ACP program, its development and evaluation, including peer-reviewed publications, notes of stakeholder group meetings, and interviews with stakeholders.
This study showed that the web-based ACP program uses straightforward technology, is embedded in a well-established web-based health platform, and in general appears to generate a positive value for stakeholders. A complexity is the rather broad target population of the program. A potential complexity considers the limited insight into the extent to which health care professionals adopt the program. Awareness of the relevance of the web-based ACP program may still be improved among target populations of ACP and among health care professionals. Furthermore, the program may especially appeal to those who value individual autonomy, self-management, and an explicit and direct communicative approach.
Relatively few complexities were identified considering the implementation of the web-based ACP program “Explore Your Preferences for Treatment and Care.” The program is evidence-based, freestanding, and well-maintained, with straightforward, well-understood technology. The program is expected to generate a positive value for different stakeholders. Complexities include the broad target population of the program and sociocultural factors. People with limited digital literacy may need support to use the program. Its uptake might be improved by increasing awareness of ACP and the program among a wider population of potential users and among health care professionals. Addressing these issues may guide future use and sustainability of the program.@en