Roland Kaitna

9 records found

Debris-flow activity is expected to change in a future climate. In this study we connect a susceptibility model for debris-flows on a regional scale with climate projections until 2100. We use this to assess changes of hydro-meteorological trigger conditions for debris flows in s ...
Deep seated landslides are common phenomena in Alpine areas. In case of a direct connectivity with the channel system, the catchment' s sediment yield and the probability of other forms of mass wasting processes such as debris flows may be increased significantly. Up to now, sedi ...
Debris-flow activity is strongly controlled by hydro-meteorological trigger conditions, which are expected to change in a future climate. In this study we connect a regional hydro-meteorological susceptibility model for debris flows with climate projections until 2100 to assess c ...
Hydrological regimes of alpine catchments are expected to be strongly affected by climate change, mostly due to their dependence on snow and ice dynamics. While seasonal changes have been studied extensively, studies on changes in the timing and magnitude of annual extremes remai ...
Torrential processes like fluvial flows (flash floods with or without intensive sediment transport) and debris flows can represent a threat to people and infrastructure in alpine domains. Up to now the hydro-meteorological trigger conditions and their connection with geomorphic w ...
Different factors influence the disposition of a watershed for initiation of debris flows, including meteorological trigger conditions as well as the hydrologic and geomorphic disposition. The latter includes slowly changing factors like relief energy or sediment availability, wh ...
Debris flows represent frequent hazards in mountain regions. Though significant effort has been made to predict such events, the trigger conditions as well as the hydrologic disposition of a watershed at the time of debris flow occurrence are not well understood. Traditional inte ...
Debris flows are typically triggered by rainfall-related weather conditions—including short-duration storms and long-lasting rainfall, in cold climates sometimes in connection with intensive snowmelt. Given the considerable observational uncertainties of rainfall, we tested if ot ...
Debris flows and flash floods including intensive bedload transport represent severe hazards in the Alpine environment of Austria. For neither of these processes, explicit rainfall thresholds – even for specific regions – are available. This may be due to insufficient data on the ...