Francesco Topputo

14 records found


The Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer (LUMIO) is a CubeSat mission at the Earth-Moon Lagrangian point 2 (L2) designed to observe, quantify, and characterize the meteoroid impacts by detecting their flashes on the Lunar farside. LUMIO can be deployed as one of the payloads in the NA ...
The Earth-Moon system is constantly bombarded by meteoroids of different size and impact speed. Observation of the impacts on the Moon can enable thorough characterization of the Lunar meteoroid flux, which is similar to that of the Earth. While Earth-based Lunar observations are ...
The Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer (LUMIO) is a mission designed to observe, quantify, and characterize the meteoroid impacts by detecting their flashes on the lunar far side. Earth-based lunar observations are restricted by weather, geometric and illumination conditions, while ...
The Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer (LUMIO), one of the two winning concepts of the SysNova Lunar CubeSats for Exploration call by ESA, is a mission designed to observe, quantify, and characterize the meteoroid impacts on the Lunar far side by detecting the flashes generated by t ...

Current Status of LUMIO Mission

Characterizing Lunar Meteoroid Impacts with a CubeSat

The Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer (LUMIO) is a mission designed to observe, quantify, and characterize the impacts of meteoroids on the lunar far side and, therefore, complement in both space and time the observations currently taken from Earth. While Earth-based lunar observat ...

Design Challenges and Opportunities Offered by the LUMIO Spacecraft

A CubeSat for Observing and Characterizing Micro-Meteoroid Impacts on the Lunar Far Side

The Earth-Moon system is constantly bombarded by meteoroids of different size and impact speed. Observation of the impacts on the Moon can enable thorough characterization of the Lunar meteoroid flux, which is similar to that of the Earth. While Earth-based Lunar observations are ...
The LUnar Meteoroid Impacts Observer (LUMIO) is a CubeSat mission to a halo orbit at Earth–Moon L2 that shall observe, quantify, and characterize meteoroid impacts on the Lunar farside, by detecting their flashes. In this way, LUMIO is expected to significantly contribute to Luna ...


An Autonomous CubeSat for Lunar Exploration

The Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer (LUMIO) is one of the four projects selected within ESA’s SysNova competition to develop a small satellite or scientific and technology demonstration purposes to be deployed by a mothership around the Moon. Themission utilizes a 12U form-fac ...

Electric Propulsion Characterization for a Stand-Alone Mars CubeSat

University of Vienna, Austria September 15-20, 2019

Stand-alone CubeSat missions to Mars that escape Earth and experience a deep-space cruise require robust primary propulsion systems for orbit manoeuvring and precise trajectory control. Combined chemical{electric propulsion systems enable a hybrid high-thrust{ low-thrust transfer ...

Mars Atmospheric Radiation Imaging Orbiter (MARIO) is a 16U stand-alone CubeSat mission that shall escape Earth, perform autonomous deep-space cruise, achieve ballistic capture, and enter an operational orbit at Mars to perform thermal radiation imaging. This work focuses on t ...

Interplanetary CubeSats enable universities and smallspacecraft- consortia to pursue low-cost, high-risk and highgain Solar System Exploration missions, especially Mars; for which cost-effective, reliable, and flexible space systems need to be developed. Missions to Mars can be a ...
The Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer (LUMIO) is a mission designed to observe, quantify, and characterize the meteoroid impacts by detecting their flashes on the lunar farside. Earth-based lunar observations are restricted by weather, geometric, and illumination conditions, while ...
The Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer (LUMIO) is a CubeSat mission to observe, quantify, and characterize the meteoroid impacts by detecting their flashes on the lunar farside. LUMIO is one of the two winners of ESA’s LUCE (Lunar CubeSat for Exploration) SYSNOVA competition, and as ...
Stand-alone interplanetary CubeSats to Mars require primary propulsion systems for orbit manoeuvring and trajectory control. The context is a 30 kg 16U Interplanetary CubeSat mission on a hybrid high-thrust & low-thrusttrajectory utilising a Dual Chemical-Electric Propulsion ...