A survey of a methodology for estimating material properties of cementitious systems on the basis of computermade concrete/cement paste (compucrete) is presented. This computer model of the cementitious material is based on a sequence of modules that are shortly reviewed in this
A survey of a methodology for estimating material properties of cementitious systems on the basis of computermade concrete/cement paste (compucrete) is presented. This computer model of the cementitious material is based on a sequence of modules that are shortly reviewed in this paper. Each one is important because of fulfilling a different role. However, the most crucial one is the underlying foundation of the particle packing system. Contrary to general practice in concrete technology, the discrete element model (DEM) should be selected for this purpose. The other modules, which are built on experiences, are either updated (like the hydration simulation module) or they are selected from other fields of materials science (DRaMuTS from robotics and SVM from life science experimental practice) and upgraded for the present purpose. Relevant references are provided@en