This thesis describes the process of creating the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of a reconfigurable test measurement setup for Internet of Things sensors, which is part of the Bachelor Graduation Project in the Electrical Engineering programme of the Delft University of Technolo
This thesis describes the process of creating the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of a reconfigurable test measurement setup for Internet of Things sensors, which is part of the Bachelor Graduation Project in the Electrical Engineering programme of the Delft University of Technology. The GUI is part of the project in which a system is created to test sensors in a reconfigurable way, meaning different packages are able to be tested by supplying different levels of voltage and types of signal shapes. Test results can be graphically visualized within the GUI. The user can run the GUI on a built-in system PC, their laptop and via a GPIB connection. The thesis describes how the configuration in the GUI interact with the hardware control software. This process involves a selection of fundamental requirements, a full system design and implementation descriptions of each sub design, followed by the testing and discussion of the implementations.
A clear discussion is made about the selection of software platform and why LabVIEW was selected as platform in the creation of the GUI. Alternative solutions on the other software platforms are explored for separate sub designs as well. Certain software engineering principles are applied to perform tests and to construct the general structure of the GUI code in LabVIEW.