E. Sunil

22 records found


Both U-space in Europe, as well as UTM in the USA, develop concepts and tools for UAV airspace. Enabling highdensity operations is one of the goals of these studies. Past and recent studies have analysed which factors affect the capacity of a UAV airspace. An improved understandi ...
This paper presents a semi-empirical method to determine the maximum theoretical capacity of decentralized airspace concepts. The method considered here, named Capacity Assessment Method for Decentralized ATC (CAMDA), formalizes an earlier approach described in literature, extend ...
Decentralized en-route airspace concepts have been proposed by many studies to increase airspace safety and capacity. Most of these studies, including our own forays into this domain, have used fast-time simulation experiments to explore the benefits offered by decentralization. ...
In the context of decentralized separation, airspace stability pertains to the propagation of con?ict chain reactions as a result of tactical con?ict resolution maneuvers. This notion of airspace stability has been used in previous literature to develop a semi-empirical method fo ...
Haptic guidance is a promising way to support unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operators, but the design of haptic guidance forces is often heuristic. This paper describes the design and experimental validation of a systematic neuromuscular analysis-based tuning procedure for haptic ...

The work that is presented in this paper is part of an ongoing study on the relationship between airspace structure and capacity. The present paper investigates the degree of structuring needed to maximize capacity for decentralized en-routeairspa ...

Previous research relating airspace structure and ca-pacity has shown that a decentralized layered airspace concept, in which each altitude band limited horizontal travel to within a prede?ned heading range, improved safety when compared to unstructured airspace. However, the ext ...
In many ATM studies experiments are performed to determine the capacity. This paper looks at the effect of airspace design on the capacity. Using an algebraic approach a relation is derived between the design parameters of a layered airspace design and the capacity of the airspac ...
Most Free-Flight concepts rely on self-separation by means of airborne Conflict Detection and Resolution (CD&R) algorithms. A key enabling technology for airborne CD&R is the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) system, which is used for direct state information exc ...
Several conflict resolution algorithms for airborne self-separation rely on principles derived from the repulsive forces that exist between similarly charged particles. This research investigates whether the performance of the Modified Voltage Potential algorithm, which is based ...
The work that is presented in this paper is part of an ongoing study on the relationship between structure and capacity of decentralized airspace concepts. In this paper, the effect of traffic stability, which considers the occurrence of conflict chain reactions as a result of co ...
Airspace structure can be used as a procedural mechanism for a priori separation and organization of en-route air traffic. Although many studies have explored novel structuring methods to increase en-route airspace capacity, the relationship between the level of structuring of tr ...
This research investigates a neuromuscular analysis based tuning algorithm for haptic cues that has been hypothesized to simultaneously improve safety and workload when compared to heuristic tuning, applied to a haptic collision avoidance system for unmanned aircraft teleoperatio ...


Accuracy of Conflict Count Models

Analyzing the effect of traffic scenario on conflict count models for unstructured and layered airspaces.

Decentralized airspace concepts have been proposed to increase the capacity of airspace. Previous research has showed that decentralized airspace concepts show great improvements in capacity, such as the Layers concept, where height rules are implemented, and unstructured airspac ...
Currently, Air Traffic Control is responsible for the separation of air traffic in our limited airspace. To facilitate the continuing growth of air traffic, an ambitious plan is to give the responsibility of the separation task to the pilots of the aircraft. The behavior of exist ...

Defining airspace quality

A new metric for defining air traffic situation quality in a defined airspace based on geometric traffic properties

Air traffic is growing every year and getting ever more complex. There is however no quick and robust way to analyze a traffic situation in an airspace and compare it to other, similar traffic situations. This research project proposes a new metric to compare air traffic situatio ...