J. Hartmann

7 records found


Being prepared for the drinking water contaminants of tomorrow

An interdisciplinary approach for the proactive risk governance of emerging chemical and microbial drinking water contaminants

“Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental human need and, therefore, a basic human right. Contaminated water jeopardizes both the physical and social health of all people”: such is the importance of safe drinking water, as stated by Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of t ...

Background: Safe and clean drinking water is essential for human life. Persistent, mobile and toxic (PMT) substances and/or very persistent and very mobile (vPvM) substances are an important group of substances for which additional measures to protect water resources may be ne ...

The perceived safety of tap water is an important condition for consumers to drink it. Therefore, addressing consumers’ concerns should be included in the roadmap towards the UN SDG 6 on safe drinking water for all. This paper studies consumers’ information needs regarding emergi ...
While the burden of disease from well-studied drinking water contaminants is declining, risks from emerging chemical and microbial contaminants arise because of social, technological, demographic and climatological developments. At present, emerging chemical and microbial drinkin ...
As well as known contaminants, surface waters also contain an unknown variety of chemical and microbial contaminants which can pose a risk to humans if surface water is used for the production of drinking water. To protect human health proactively, and in a cost-efficient way, wa ...

Chemical and microbial contaminants in the aquatic environment pose a potential threat to humans and to ecosystems. Humans may be exposed to contaminants in water resources when used for drinking water production, agriculture, aquaculture or recreation. Climatological, social ...

The presence of emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment may affect human health via exposure to drinking water. And, even if some of these emerging contaminants are not a threat to human health, their presence might still influence the public perception of drinking wa ...