Sergi Duque

9 records found

In this paper, bistatic interferometry using fixed-receiver configurations is addressed both theoretically and experimentally. The analytical expressions for interferometric phase and height sensitivity are derived, and a full interferometric processing chain for digital elevatio ...
The paper presents the development of a ground based bistatic receiver using TerraSAR-X as a transmitter. The receiver subsystems like antennas, low-noise amplifiers, mixers, filters, synthesizers, etc. have been developed using low-cost monolithic devices in order to allow affor ...

Bistatic SAR tomography

Processing and experimental results

This paper presents across-track tomography applied to a bistatic geometry with fixed receivers. This kind of geometry can overcome some of the classical monostatic tomography limitations such as temporal decorrelation and irregular baseline distribution. The Remote Sensing Labor ...
This paper presents an along - track interferometry (ATI) study for a bistatic or multiestatic SAR configuration with fixed ground receivers. This technique can be useful for sea current estimation or for any problem of Ground Motion Target Indicator (GMTI). The proximity of the ...
This paper presents an analysis of the performance of TerraSAR-X for subsidence monitoring in urban areas. The city of Murcia has been selected as a test-site due to its high deformation rate and the set of extensometers deployed along the city that provide validation data. The o ...
This paper gives a quick overview of inversion methods for bistatic tomographic processing. The methods are tested over simulated and real data. The real data has been acquired from a set of indoor experiments carried out in the Radiation Laboratory (RadLab), at the University of ...
The presented work discusses the processing of repeat-pass interferometric data acquired with SABRINA (SAR Bistatic Receiver for INterferometric Applications), where the receiver is fixed and the baseline is due to the two different satellite orbits. The paper addresses the parti ...
This paper characterizes the interferometric phase for a fixedreceiver bistatic SAR system. Also, the expressions for the interferometric phase and image resolution cell are summarized. It will be distinguished between two particular acquisition geometries : back-scattering and f ...
The Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya is developing a ground based bistatic system using ESA's ENVISAT and ERS-2 as transmitters. The spatial resolution of this configuration is similar to that of their monostatic counterpart, although foreshortening effects have a lesser impa ...