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J.R. Westerveld
Academic Work (20)
Book (1)
Book chapter (4)
Conference paper (6)
Journal article (3)
Report (6)
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20 records found
Inverse Telecommunications: The Future for Rural Areas in Developing Countries?
Book chapter (2012) -
J.R. Westerveld (author)
Reflection on three years of rural wireless Internet Protocol communication research and fieldwork
Conference paper (2007) -
WD Tucker (author)
EH Blake (author)
G Marsden (author)
M. Pearson (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
A multi-layer approach to the study of inter-organisational wireless infrastructure
Conference paper (2006) -
CF Maitland (author)
AF van Gorp (author)
A. Tarnacha (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
Conference paper (2004) -
J.R. Westerveld (author)
CF Maitland (author)
E.A.M. van de Kar (author)
Hoe doorstaat UMTS gebruik in de praktijk
Journal article (2004) -
J.R. Westerveld (author)
Technical and policy advances in rural telecommunications
Journal article (2004) -
J.R. Westerveld (author)
CF Maitland (author)
End-user security in mobile telecommunications: Policy perspectives and a research agenda
Report (2003) -
CF Maitland (author)
A Tamacha (author)
AF van Gorp (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
The Delft UMTS Testbed and End-User Security Features
Report (2003) -
CF Maitland (author)
A Tamacha (author)
AF van Gorp (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
The European market for mobile data: evolving value chains and industry structures
Journal article (2002) -
CF Maitland (author)
JM Bauer (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
Technical Aspects of Rural Telecom
Book chapter (2002) -
J.R. Westerveld (author)
CF Maitland (author)
Advanced Wireless Communications Infrastructure
Conference paper (2001) -
JM Bauer (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
CF Maitland (author)
Learning lessons from failure: the Ugandan telecentre experience in perspective.
Conference paper (2001) -
J Jellema (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
Advanced wireless communications infrastructure: technical, economic and regulatory conditions of UMTS rollout
Conference paper (2001) -
JM Bauer (author)
CF Maitland (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
E-mail de technieken
Book chapter (2001) -
J.R. Westerveld (author)
National level culture and global diffusion: the case of the internet
Book chapter (2001) -
JM Bauer (author)
CF Maitland (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
Advanced wireless communications infrastructure. Technical, economic and regulatory conditions of UMTS network deployment
Report (2001) -
JM Bauer (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
CF Maitland (author)
Research Trends in Information and Communication Technology
Report (2000) -
W Hengeveld (author)
JP van Best (author)
JJ Beumer (author)
B van den Hooff (author)
A.P. Poot (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
Succes Factors of Telecentres in Sub-Saharan Africa. An Exploratory Case Study in the 1990s.
Report (2000) -
J.R. Westerveld (author)
J Jellema (author)
Trends in ICT Research
Book (2000) -
W Hengeveld (author)
JP van Best (author)
JJ Beumer (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)
A.P. Poot (author)
ICT in huis. De Magnetron als informatiebron. Trends in informatie-en communicatietechnologie in de huiselijke omgeving in het jaar 2010.
Report (2000) -
W.A.G.A. Dr. Bouwman (author)
R Hes (author)
TM La Porte (author)
J.R. Westerveld (author)