F. Dahle

4 records found

Polar perspectives

A deep dive into geo-referencing historical Antarctic photos

The utility of historical image repositories is often limited due to the lack of geo-referencing. A good example is the TriMetrogon Aerial (TMA) archive, a collection of historical aerial images of Antarctica between 1940 and 2000. These images are difficult to use, as their geol ...

Revisiting the Past

A comparative study for semantic segmentation of historical images of Adelaide Island using U-nets

The TriMetrogon Aerial (TMA) archive is an archive of historical images of Antarctica taken by the US Navy between 1940 and 2000 with analogue cameras. The analysis of such historic data can give a view of Antarctica's glaciers predating modern satellite imagery and provide uniqu ...
A huge archive of historical images of the Antarctica taken by the US Navy between 1940 and 2000 is publicly available. These images have not yet been used for large-scale computer-driven analysis as they were captured with analog cameras. They were only later digitized and conta ...
In many countries digital maps are generally created and provided by Cadastre, Land Registry or National Mapping Agencies. These maps must be accurate and well maintained. However, in most cases, the update process of these maps is still done by hand, often using satellite or aer ...