A. Fiorellini Bernardis
9 records found
Time-Domain Modelling of Pulsed Photoconducting Sources - Part II
Characterization of an LT GaAs Bow-Tie Antenna
Drude's description of the response of low-temperature gallium arsenide to optical pulse excitation is used to evaluate the components of a time-domain Norton equivalent circuit of a photoconductive antenna (PCA) source. The saturation of the terahertz (THz) radiated power occurr
State-of-the-art THz pulsed commercial systems operating over large bandwidth suffer from high dispersion or low radiation efficiency due to the poor coupling between the transmitter and receiver photoconductive antennas (PCAs). In this work, we present the fabrication and charac
In recent years, the interest in terahertz technology witnessed a constant increasing interest and attention from the scientific community, as it allows to unlock the THz bandwidth, that can be used for a wide range of applications: it helps the study of biological samples and he
Photo-conductive lens antennas (PCAs) exploit the ultra-short photoconductivity phenomenon of specific semiconductors in order to generate pulsed radiation in the THz regime. State of the art PCAs suffer from high dispersion and low radiation efficiency over the large generated b
The time evolution of voltages and currents in a pulsed photo conductive antenna (PCA) source is evaluated resorting to a rigorous procedure that stems from semiconductor physics first, to define the phenomena involved in the generation of the photocurrent, and then relies on an
Drude Dispersion in the Transmission Line Modeling of Bulk Absorbers at Sub-mm Wave Frequencies
A Tool for Absorber Optimization
Semiconductor (SC)-based bulk absorbers operating in the (sub-) THz range are discussed. The conductivities of the bulk media are described by the Drude model for electron gas where the electron density is controlled. The Drude model predicts the existence of two frequencies of i
The observable field is defined as the portion of the incident field that can contribute to the power received by an antenna. Recently, the observable field was estimated for a plane wave incidence. Here, the procedure is extended to a general incident field expressed as a superp
Recently, powerful, reliable and cost-effective THz radiation photoconductive-emitters have been developed, providing up to 1mW of pulsed power in the range of frequencies between 0.1 and 0.7THz. In this paper we study the potential use of such sources for future pulsed radar sys
Pulsed terahertz time-domain systems rely on antennas printed on photoconductive substrates (PCA), which show extremely fast conductivity transients when illuminated by femto-seconds laser pulses. This work introduces a time domain representation of the PCA transmitter that accou