A. Swamy
8 records found
The intraoperative guidance and placement of spinal screws is a complex procedure. High technical expertise is required fromthe surgeons in order to achieve adequate fixation and ensure patient safety by preventing vascular and neurological injuries. The conventional screw placem
Proton density fat fraction of the spinal column
An MRI cadaver study
Background: The increased popularity of minimally invasive spinal surgery calls for a revision of guidance techniques to prevent injuries of nearby neural and vascular structures. Lipid content has previously been proposed as a distinguishing criterion for different bone tissues
Automated classification of brain tissue
Comparison between hyperspectral imaging and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
In neurosurgery, technical solutions for visualizing the border between healthy brain and tumor tissue is of great value, since they enable the surgeon to achieve gross total resection while minimizing the risk of damage to eloquent areas. By using real-time non-ionizing imaging
Safe and accurate placement of spinal screws remains a critical step during open and minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery. We investigated the application of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) for real-time instrument guidance during a spinal screw placement procedure. A
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for breach detection during pedicle screw placement
A first in vivo investigation in a porcine model
BACKGROUND: The safe and accurate placement of pedicle screws remains a critical step in open and minimally invasive spine surgery, emphasizing the need for intraoperative guidance techniques. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) is an optical sensing technology that may provid
Pedicle screw placement accuracy during spinal fixation surgery varies greatly and severe misplacement has been reported in 1-6.5 % of screws. Diffuse reflectance (DR) spectroscopy has previously been shown to reliably discriminate between tissues in the human body. We postulate
Safe and accurate placement of screws remains a critical issue in open and minimally invasive spine surgery. We propose to use diffuse reflectance (DR) spectroscopy as a sensing technology at the tip of a surgical instrument to ensure a safe path of the instrument through the can
Safe and accurate placement of pedicle screws remains a critical step in open and minimally invasive spine surgery. The diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) technique may offer the possibility of intra-operative guidance for pedicle screw placement. Currently, Magnetic Resonanc