B. Kianfar

4 records found

Towards Application of Silica-Encapsulated DNA (DNAcol) in Subsurface Environments

Understanding the behavior of DNAcol through systematic laboratory-scale studies

Protecting water resource quality is a global concern, as both solute and colloidal contaminants from various sources can infiltrate into soil and eventually pollute groundwater. Understanding the fate and transport of colloidal contaminants- such as engineered nano- and micro-pa ...
In the terrestrial environment, interactions between natural organic matter (NOM) and colloids can lead to the formation of an environmental corona around colloids, influencing their transport behaviour and, ultimately, their ecotoxicity. We used a synthetically designed colloid ...
In recent years, DNA-tagged silica colloids have been used as an environmental tracer. A major advantage of this technique is that the DNA-coding provides an unlimited number of unique tracers without a background concentration. However, little is known about the effects of physi ...
DNA-tagged particle tracers have been the subject of several researches as a new tracer for hydrological applica-tions. This tracer potentially permits the production of a large number of identically transported but distinguishabletracers. Such technique facilitates multi-poi ...