Zhiguo Zeng
2 records found
Predictive Maintenance Planning Using Renewal Reward Processes and Probabilistic RUL Prognostics
Analyzing the Influence of Accuracy and Sharpness of Prognostics
We pose the maintenance planning for systems using probabilistic Remaining Useful Life (RUL) prognostics as a renewal reward process. Data-driven probabilistic RUL prognostics are obtained using a Convolutional Neural Network with Monte Carlo dropout. The maintenance planning mod
Dynamic predictive maintenance for multiple components using data-driven probabilistic RUL prognostics
The case of turbofan engines
The increasing availability of condition-monitoring data for components/systems has incentivized the development of data-driven Remaining Useful Life (RUL) prognostics in the past years. However, most studies focus on point RUL prognostics, with limited insights into the uncertai