While voice assistants have exploded in popularityover the last decade, they still have many issues.Among these is the issue of result presentation:how do you speak results to the user? Priorresearch has investigated how cognitive loadrelates to result presentation and othe
While voice assistants have exploded in popularityover the last decade, they still have many issues.Among these is the issue of result presentation:how do you speak results to the user? Priorresearch has investigated how cognitive loadrelates to result presentation and other methodsfor result presentation, but highlighted a lackof research about result presentation over speechand called for further investigation. [12] Thisresearch answered that call, and investigated the research question How can web search results bepresented over a speech-only channel such thatthe users’ cognitive load is minimized?Wetested three methods: 1) one-source, one-shotresponses, 2) question-and-answer responses, and3) multi-source, one-shot responses. In all cases,single-source responses were preferred to multi-source responses. Of the two types of single-source responses tested (question-and-answer styleresponses and one-shot responses), both types hada similar average score. Our recommendationto developers of conversational search technologywould be to allow user choice between these tworesponse types. We would only recommend multi-source responses as a fall-back option in the caseof a low estimated probability of result relevance.