Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) with Cancer are making the transition from childhood to adulthood while handling the burden of cancer. During this extraordinarily challenging time in their growth and development, sexuality and intimacy, an important aspect of AYAs’ wellbeing,
Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) with Cancer are making the transition from childhood to adulthood while handling the burden of cancer. During this extraordinarily challenging time in their growth and development, sexuality and intimacy, an important aspect of AYAs’ wellbeing, are often insufficiently addressed by the healthcare providers, and AYAs are dissatisfied with the available information. The objective of this study was to develop objectives that could help design properly address sexuality and intimacy in AYA care along with a design prototype. The research investigated the big picture of sexuality and intimacy care for AYAs in the Netherlands and looked into AYAs’ unmet needs through literature study, interviews with AYA using the Q-sort method and interviews with healthcare providers. The list of design objectives was proposed based on the interviewees’ opinions and insights, along with an iterative prototype designed by the researcher that reflected the objectives. Through a cyclic interview process, the list of design objectives was revised, and the prototype was refined as a possible solution in the end. Finally, a conclusion on the research findings and the design objectives is provided@en