This thesis is on characterizing the superconducting properties of NbTiN thin films under cryogenic conditions for potential applications in modular quantum computers. The characterization involves development of a measurement setup using a four-point probe method, which mea
This thesis is on characterizing the superconducting properties of NbTiN thin films under cryogenic conditions for potential applications in modular quantum computers. The characterization involves development of a measurement setup using a four-point probe method, which measures resistivityof magnetron sputtered thin films of NbTiN at room temperature and (cryogenic) temperature near ab- solute zero.
The results revealed unexpected resistivity values at 3.3 K, questioning the sample’s elemental com- position. Despite superconductivity not being reached by the setup, the research shows how impor- tant optimal elemental composition is and that the implementation of pulsed currents minimizes Joule Heating.
Despite not having characterized superconducting properties, taking steps back might be essential to take a step forward in developing a quantum computer.
This thesis was carried out at TU Delft as part of the Bachelor Final Project course.