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S Kraft
Academic Work (13)
Conference paper (4)
Journal article (9)
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13 records found
Atmospheric aerosol characterization with the Dutch-Chinese FAST formation flying mission
Journal article (2010) -
E. K.A. Gill (author)
DC Maessen (author)
E Laan (author)
S Kraft (author)
GT Zheng (author)
Atmospheric Aerosol Characterization with the Dutch-XChinese Fast Formation Flying Mission
Conference paper (2008) -
E. K.A. Gill (author)
DC Maessen (author)
E Laan (author)
S Kraft (author)
GT Zheng (author)
A Minaturized laser altimeter and stereo camera for a microsatellite formation mission
Conference paper (2008) -
Eberhard K.A. Gill (author)
S Hannemann (author)
MS Bentley (author)
S Kraft (author)
K Wielinga (author)
E Kroesbergen (author)
RJJ Rotteveel (author)
Development and Characterization of Large La-Halide Gamma-Ray Scintillators for Future Planetary Missions
Journal article (2007) -
S Kraft (author)
E Maddox (author)
EJ Buis (author)
A. Owens (author)
F Quarati (author)
P Dorenbos (author)
Design of a Low-Cost Microsatellite test-bed for Stae-of-the-art planetary observation payloads
Conference paper (2007) -
S de Jong (author)
S Brak (author)
RJ Hamann (author)
M.C. Naeije (author)
S Kraft (author)
Assessment of the radiation tolerance of LaBr3:Ce cintillators to solar proton events
Journal article (2007) -
A Owens (author)
Adrie Bos (author)
F Quarati (author)
S Brandenburg (author)
EJ Buis (author)
C Dathy (author)
P. Dorenbos (author)
C.W.E. van Eijk (author)
S Kraft (author)
RW Ostendorf (author)
V Ouspenski (author)
Measurement and simulation of proton induced activation of LaBr3:Ce
Journal article (2007) -
EJ Buis (author)
H Beijers (author)
A. Owens (author)
F Quarati (author)
S Brandenburg (author)
Adrie Bos (author)
C Dathy (author)
P. Dorenbos (author)
WA Drozdowski (author)
S Kraft (author)
E Maddox (author)
RW Ostendorf (author)
X-ray and gamma-ray response of a 200 _200 LaBr3:Ce scintillation detector
Journal article (2007) -
F Quarati (author)
A. J.J. bos (author)
S Brandenburg (author)
C Dathy (author)
P Dorenbos (author)
S Kraft (author)
RW Ostendorf (author)
V Ouspenski (author)
A. Owens (author)
Effect of Proton Dose, Crystal Size, and Cerium Concentration on Scintillation Yield and
Journal article (2007) -
WA Drozdowski (author)
P. Dorenbos (author)
Adrie J.J. Bos (author)
J.T.M. de Haas (author)
S Kraft (author)
E Maddox (author)
A. Owens (author)
F Quarati (author)
C Dathy (author)
V Ouspenski (author)
g-ray performance of a 1242 cm3 LaCl3:Ce scintillation spectrometer
Journal article (2007) -
A. Owens (author)
A. J.J. bos (author)
S Brandenburg (author)
C Dathy (author)
P Dorenbos (author)
S Kraft (author)
RW Ostendorf (author)
V Ouspenski (author)
F Quarati (author)
Proton induced activation of LaBr3:Ce and LaCl3:Ce
Journal article (2007) -
EJ Buis (author)
F Quarati (author)
S Brandenburg (author)
AJJ Bos (author)
C Dathy (author)
P. Dorenbos (author)
S Kraft (author)
E Maddox (author)
RW Ostendorf (author)
A Owens (author)
High speed reconfigurable computation for electronic instrumetation in space applications
Conference paper (2007) -
D Lampridis (author)
Sorin Cotofana (author)
S Kraft (author)
Gamma-Ray Induced Radiation Damage in LaBr3:5%Ce and LaCl3:10%Ce Scintillators
Journal article (2007) -
WA Drozdowski (author)
P. Dorenbos (author)
AJJ Bos (author)
S Kraft (author)
EJ Buis (author)
E Maddox (author)
A Owens (author)
F Quarati (author)
C Dathy (author)
V Ouspenski (author)