V.A. Cortés Urra
11 records found
Housing cooperatives in Chile
The struggle to re-emerge in a neoliberal context of growing self-management
Housing cooperativism in Chile shows a discontinuous trajectory through different arrangements between the State, the market, and civil society. Since the mid twentieth century, cooperatives and self-organised housing developed alongside each other. While cooperatives for waged w
In recent decades, various programs have been developed as part of Chile’s housing policies to respond to the housing deficit. Most policies have so far focused on addressing the quantitative, qualitative, and urban deficits, neglecting the social dimension of housing. At the sam
Addressing housing deficits from a multi-dimensional perspective
A review of Chilean housing policy
After decades of battling the quantitative and qualitative housing deficits, Latin American countries are seeing new types of challenges in housing. Neoliberal policies favouring individual (low-cost) homeownership have weakened social trust and solidarity between neighbours, and
After decades of battling quantitative and qualitative housing deficits, countries in Latin America are seeing new types of challenges in housing and neighbourhoods, namely the weakening of social trust, solidarity between neighbours and networks of mutual help. The region has a
Nowadays in Chile, the need for housing is growing rapidly. Current housing challenges go beyond satisfying quantitative and qualitative deficits but extend to deficits in the social dimension concerning for example social cohesion, solidarity, reciprocal relationships, social ca
In the face of societal challenges such as decreasing housing affordability, population ageing, individualisation and climate change, Europe has seen a rise in collaborative housing. Such housing comprises a wide range of
collectively self-organised residential projects, which ha
After decades of developing housing plans to battle housing shortages, unaffordability and housing deficits, it is observed that problems persist in Latin American countries. International research shows that in order to solve the current housing crisis, initiatives of self-organ
En un contexto de crisis global de acceso a la vivienda y con una política habitacional que muestra crecientes señales de agotamiento en Chile, emerge la necesidad de buscar alternativas para hacer posible la realización del derecho a la vivienda. Diversas organizaciones de pobla
Nowadays in Chile, the need for housing is growing rapidly (Ducci, 1997, 2006; Hidalgo et al., 2016; Sabatini et al., 2001; Vergara et al., 2019; Walter, 2016). Current housing challenges go beyond satisfying quantitative and qualitative deficits, but extend to deficits in the so
Collaborative housing (CH) is (re)emerging in many countries of Europe as an initiative to solve the current housing crisis. It is a model where collaboration and a high level of inhabitant participation prevail. Currently, in Chile, as well as in Europe, we recognize the interes