The virtue of data forgetting has become a substantial demand in the digital era. Once online content has served its purpose, the concept of forgetting arises to ensure that data remains private between data owners and service providers. Despite significant advancements in suppor
The virtue of data forgetting has become a substantial demand in the digital era. Once online content has served its purpose, the concept of forgetting arises to ensure that data remains private between data owners and service providers. Despite significant advancements in supporting data forgetting through approaches like access heuristics, elastic expiration times, and manual revocation, the existing research falls short in addressing the demand for a multi-level forgetting structure that can cater to diverse audience-based expiration requirements while considering additional criteria. To the best of our knowledge, no prior works have investigated this gap, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive solution that can effectively accommodate the varying expiration needs of different audience groups. In this paper, we introduce a novel disjunctive multi-level forgetting scheme designed to meet the aforementioned demand for data forgetting. Our scheme introduces unique expiration periods for the encrypted data the service provider stores, called levels. Users are grouped into different levels based on priorities assigned by the data owners. Each level corresponds to a specific expiration threshold, enabling designated user groups to access the content within its validity period before it is forgotten. This approach enables selective data forgetting for one group while enabling concurrent access and retention for other user groups until the stipulated expiration period elapses. To achieve this, we have devised a cutting-edge system that integrates a hierarchical and dynamic scheme utilizing a key decay for managing expiration periods. Moreover, we introduce an innovative approach that harnesses smart contracts on a local Ethereum blockchain to enforce regulations and streamline the secure and efficient expiration and deletion of data. Finally, we thoroughly evaluate our proposed scheme, focusing on decay sensitivity, computational complexity, and rigorous security analysis.@en