P.M.T. Zaal
50 records found
Linear mixed-effects models provide several benefits over more traditional statistical inference tests and are particularly useful for most human-in-the-loop tracking experiment data. However, surprisingly, mixed models are virtually not used for the analysis of tracking experime
This paper presents the results of a training and retention experiment conducted to objectively and quantitatively evaluate the acquisition, decay, and retention of skill-based manual control behavior in a compensatory dual-axis roll and pitch attitude tracking task. In this stud
This paper describes an experiment investigating the effects of motion filter order on human manual control tracking behavior and performance. The experiment was performed on two simulators: the Vertical Motion Simulator at NASA Ames Research Center and the SIMONA Research Simula
Manual control cybernetics
State-of-the-art and current trends
Manual control cybernetics aims to understand and describe how humans control vehicles and devices using mathematical models of human control dynamics. This “cybernetic approach” enables objective and quantitative comparisons of human behavior, and allows a
This paper presents a cybernetic approach to assess the training of manual control skills in simulators. The approach uses multi-channel pilot models that separate pilots’ responses to visual and motion stimuli. This allows for a quantitative analysis of pilots’ use of visual and
This study attempts to partially explain the characteristics of the human perceptual remnant, following Levison’s representation of the remnant as an equivalent observation noise. Eye activity parameters are recorded using an eye tracker in two compensatory tracking tasks in whic