Ana Maria Fernandez Maldonado
4 records found
Water and its related heritage play a very special role in cities and regions in Europe. Historic water infrastructures such as bridges, quays and riverfronts, port facilities, sluices, dams, or water mills, specific water-based urban and rural landscapes, but also intangible asp
This document presents the methodology for organising, preparing for and running knowledge transfer activities at the Interregional Knowledge Exchange Sessions (IKES), which are the WaVE project’s milestones and moments where partners meet and exchange knowledge. The methodology
This paper outlines the methodological framework for engaging stakeholders in the
work on the Interreg WaVE project. More specifically, taking the notion of ‘co-creation’ as an overarching principle, it provides the project partners with guidance on how to prepare and organise en
This paper presents a methodology for the elaboration of Regional Status Quo (RSQ) to be applied in each of the five sites of the WaVE project. Given the emphasis on co-creation in the WaVE project, the steps for preparing a RSQ outlined here are related with the adequate levels