3 records found

Using a nonlinear version of the tautological bundle over Graßmannians, we construct a transgression map for differential characters from M to the nonlinear Graßmannian GrS(M) of submanifolds of M of a fixed type S. In particular, we obtain prequantum circle bundles of ...
Let M be a manifold with a closed, integral (k+1)-form ω⁠, and let G be a Fréchet–Lie group acting on (M,ω)⁠. As a generalization of the Kostant–Souriau extension for symplectic manifolds, we consider a canonical class of central extensions of g by R⁠, indexed by Hk−1(M,R)∗⁠. We ...
Local normal form theorems for smooth equivariant maps between infinite-dimensional manifolds are established. These normal form results are new even in finite dimensions. The proof is inspired by the Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction for dynamical systems and by the Kuranishi method fo ...