Jan Withag
3 records found
Indirect combustion noise due to the interaction of flow inhomogeneities with a choked combustion-chamber exit is an important cause of combustion instability in solid rocket motors. Moreover, it is believed to be an issue in electrical-power generation turbines and aero-engines.
In §II. Theory, two reduced-order models are proposed, which the authors have termed: the quasi-steady model (§II.A. Quasi-steady one-dimensional model) & the inertial/hybrid model (§II.B. Quasi-one-dimensional pointmass model), respectively. N.b., in both cases time dependen
The combustion properties of hydrogen make premixed hydrogen-air flames prone to flashback. Several combustor concepts have been proposed and studied in the past few years to tackle the problem of flame flashback in premixed high hydrogen fuel combustors. This study looks at one