V Kovalenko

30 records found

Advanced GPR Data Processing Algorithms for Detection of Anti-Personnel Landmines Summary Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is seen as one of several promising technologies aimed to help mine detection. GPR is sensitive to any inhomogeneity in the ground. Therefore any APM regardl ...
In this paper we propose a new algorithm for enhancement of imaging of plastic cased antipersonnel landmines using a video-impulse GPR. The algorithm is implemented as a non-linear waveform based signal processor integrated with a SAR focusing procedure. The algorithm constructs ...
In this paper we propose a new algorithm for enhancement of plastic cased antipersonel mines detection using a video-impulse GPR. The algortihm is implemented as a non-linear signal processor integrated with a SAR focusing procedure. The new algorithm constructs SAR-like image of ...
Successful detection of antipersonnel landmines often requires decision making on the basis of more than one decisive feature. The fusion of the available features should be done in a statistically optimal way. Theoretically this might be achieved by Bayesian-based criteria. Howe ...
The results of the measurements campaign held during the autumn of 2004 in a sand pit located at the TNO-DS&S ( formerly known as TNO Physiscs and Electronics Laboratory (FEL) GPR test facility "Waalsdorp" in the Hague, The Netherlands, are presented. Some contaminiation of the s ...
The present paper deals with feature-based landmine detection by means of UWB Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). A waveform of target response is used as as discriminative feature for two feature-based detection schemes. The output of each DPS is a confidence map obtained by means o ...
The automated detection of plastic-cased antipersonnel landmines in 3-D high-resolution UWB radar images is considered. The 3-D images are projected in different ways onto 2-D confiedence maps, in which the automated APM detection is made by marking local maxima in the maps follo ...
The performance of GPR as an anti-personal mine (APM) detector heavily depends on the quality of the acquired data. A scheme of the quantitative evaluation of the quality of raw GPR data in terms of stability of certain parameters and the set of the procedures, which comppensate ...