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G Arends
Academic Work (26)
Book (2)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (10)
Journal article (9)
Report (4)
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26 records found
Report on underground solutions for urban problems
Report (2012) -
M Thewes (author)
JP Godard (author)
FP Kocsonya (author)
J Nisji (author)
G Arends (author)
Wout Broere (author)
A Elioff (author)
H Parker (author)
R Sterling (author)
Modelling the behaviour of a micro-tunnelling machine due to steering corrections
Conference paper (2008) -
W. Broere (author)
J. Dijkstra (author)
G Arends (author)
Risicoanalyse en risicobeoordeling van bun deling van kabels en leidingen
Report (2007) -
G Arends (author)
Modelling the boring of curves in (very) soft soils during microtunnelling
Journal article (2007) -
W. Broere (author)
TF Faassen (author)
G Arends (author)
A.F. Van Tol (author)
Analiza sil tarcia dzialajacych na segmenty tunelu w procesie mikrotunelowania
Journal article (2007) -
W. Broere (author)
G Arends (author)
Bochten hebben grote invloed op wrijving bij microtunnels
Journal article (2007) -
W. Broere (author)
G Arends (author)
Leidraad scenarioanalyse ongevallen in tunnels, deel 2: spoor-, tram-, metrotunnels en overkappingen
Report (2006) -
G Arends (author)
Development of underground construction in The Netherlands
Conference paper (2006) -
G Arends (author)
Framework of a quantitative risk analysis for the fire safety in metro systems
Journal article (2006) -
CJ Soons (author)
J.W. Bosch (author)
G Arends (author)
Pieter H.A.J.M. van Gelder (author)
Handreiking risicoanalyse tunnelveiligheid; methodieken, modellen en veiligheidscriteria voor kwantitatieve risicoanalyse en scenarioanalyse
Journal article (2006) -
G Arends (author)
CJ Soons (author)
Analysis of friction forces on tunnel segments during microtunnelling
Conference paper (2006) -
W. Broere (author)
G Arends (author)
Journal article (2005) -
G Arends (author)
Historische ontwikkeling
Book chapter (2004) -
G Arends (author)
Risk budget management in progressing underground works
Journal article (2004) -
G Arends (author)
R Bielecki (author)
J Castle (author)
S Drabek (author)
A Haack (author)
F Nedbal (author)
A Nordmark (author)
R Sterling (author)
Risicobeheersing sleufloze technieken voor ondergrondse infrastructuur: inventarisatie van boorrisico's
Book (2003) -
HJAM Hergarden (author)
G Arends (author)
W Kersjes (author)
H van der Stoel (author)
FS Heinis (author)
GH Snikkenburg (author)
CJ Zeijlenmaker (author)
JF de Boer (author)
A challenge for planners and geoscientists
Conference paper (2003) -
G Arends (author)
Need and possibilities for a quality push within the technique of horizontal directional drilling (HDD)
Conference paper (2003) -
G Arends (author)
Eindrapport D120-E-02-082
Report (2002) -
G Arends (author)
Resultaten van recent onderzoek door het NSST
Conference paper (2002) -
G Arends (author)
Houston projects 2000 and 2001 - research leading to the design of a palletized cargo consolidation and distribution ULS for Houston, Texas
Conference paper (2002) -
AP James (author)
F.M. Sanders (author)
G Arends (author)