Maria Chertova

3 records found


In atmospheric modeling, superparameterization (SP) has gained popularity as a technique to improve cloud and convection representations in large-scale models by coupling them locally to cloud-resolving models. We show how the different representations of cloud water in the local ...

In order to eliminate climate uncertainty w.r.t. cloud and convection parametrizations, superpramaterization (SP) [1] has emerged as one of the possible ways forward. We have implemented (regional) superparametrization of the ECMWF weather model OpenIFS [2] by cloud-resolving, ...

We present a Python interface for the Dutch Atmospheric Large Eddy Simulation (DALES), an existing Fortran code for high-resolution, turbulence-resolving simulation of atmospheric physics. The interface is based on an infrastructure for remote and parallel function calls and m ...