Clayton Miller

11 records found


The widespread availability of open datasets in cities is transforming the way urban energy systems are planned, simulated, and visualized. In this paper, a cross-scale approach is pursued to better understand the reciprocal effects between building energy performance, the urban ...
With the increasing stock of ageing infrastructure and resource constraints in Singapore, related risks and carbon emissions can be mitigated through long-term resilience planning, automated building inspection, and effective maintenance. Sustainable actions are needed to maintai ...

In a global context of increasing flexibility in the way workplaces and the districts in which they are located are used, there is a need for occupant-driven approaches to plan urban energy systems. Several authors have suggested the use of agent-based models (ABM) of building ...

Elastic buildings

Calibrated district-scale simulation of occupant-flexible campus operation for hybrid work optimization

Before 2020, the way occupants utilized the built environment had been changing slowly towards scenarios in which occupants have more choice and flexibility in where and how they work. The global COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this phenomenon rapidly through lockdowns and hybrid w ...

From Personal Comfort to District Performance

Using Smartwatch and WiFi Data for Occupant-Driven Operation

This work proposes the use of a data-driven, agent-based model of building occupants’ activities and thermal comfort in an urban university campus in order to assess how district operation strategies can be leveraged to support the transition to flexible work arrangements. The re ...
The widespread availability of open datasets in urban areas is transforming how urban energy systems are planned, simulated, and visualized. Urban energy models, however, require an understanding of urban dwellers, as their activities create the demands for energy in buildings. I ...

Towards occupant-driven district energy system operation

A digital twin platform for energy resilience and occupant well-being

This paper presents a digital twin of a university campus in Singapore as a demonstrator for a digital-twin enabled approach to district energy resilience. This paper focuses mainly on the development of the building energy and occupancy models in the digital twin, which are comp ...

Digital Twin-Based Resilience Evaluation of District-Scale Archetypes

A COVID-19 Scenario Case Study Using a University Campus Pilot

District-scale energy demand models can be powerful tools for understanding interactions in complex urban areas and optimising energy systems in new developments. The process of coupling characteristics of urban environments with simulation software to achieve accurate results is ...

Bayesian calibration at the urban scale

A case study on a large residential heating demand application in Amsterdam

A bottom-up building energy modelling at the urban scale based on Geographic Information System and semantic 3D city models can provide quantitative insights to tackle critical urban energy challenges. Nevertheless, incomplete information is a common obstacle to produce reliable ...


Urban building energy modeling using a 3D city model and minimizing uncertainty through Bayesian inference

A case study focuses on Amsterdam residential heating demand simulation

To cut down immense greenhouse gases emission and energy consumption in the rapidly urbanizing world, a holistic understanding and rethinking of our dynamic urban energy system are inevitable. Performing bottom-up building energy modelings at urban scale based on Geographic Infor ...