This technical paper presents results of an air-cooled supercritical CO2 (sCO2) finnedtube sink heat exchanger (HX) performance test comprising wide range of variable parameters (26-166 C, 7-10 MPa, 0.1-0.32 kg/s). The measurement covered both supercritical and subcritical pressu
This technical paper presents results of an air-cooled supercritical CO2 (sCO2) finnedtube sink heat exchanger (HX) performance test comprising wide range of variable parameters (26-166 C, 7-10 MPa, 0.1-0.32 kg/s). The measurement covered both supercritical and subcritical pressures including transition of pseudocritical region in the last stages of the sink HX. The test was performed in a newly built sCO2 experimental loop which was constructed within Sustainable Energy (SUSEN) project at Research Centre Rez (CVR). The experimental setup along with the boundary conditions are described in detail; hence, the gained data set can be used for benchmarking of system thermal hydraulic codes. Such benchmarking was performed on the open source Modelica-based code ClaRa. Both steady-state and transient thermal hydraulic analyses were performed using the simulation environment DYMOLA 2018 on a state of the art PC. The results of calculated averaged overall heat transfer coefficients (using Gnielinski correlation for sCO2 and IPPE or VDI for the air) and experimentally determined alues shows reasonably low error ofp25% and - 10%. Hence, using the correlations for the estimation of the heat transfer in the sink HX with a similar design and similar conditions gives a fair error and thus is recommended.