Felicitas Biwer

6 records found

Instruction meets experience

Using theory- and experience-based methods to promote the use of desirable difficulties

In higher education, students often avoid desirably difficult learning strategies, such as interleaved practice, thereby limiting their learning outcomes.

We studied why students (under)utilize interleaved practice and whether an intervention that ...

Optimizing self-organized study orders

Combining refutations and metacognitive prompts improves the use of interleaved practice

During category learning, students struggle to create an optimal study order: They often study one category at a time (i.e., blocked practice) instead of alternating between different categories (i.e., interleaved practice). Several interventions to improve self-study of categori ...

Worth the Effort

The Start and Stick to Desirable Difficulties (S2D2) Framework

Desirable difficulties are learning conditions that are often experienced as effortful, but have a positive effect on learning results and transfer of knowledge and skills (Bjork & Bjork, 2011; Bjork, 1994). Learners often do not appreciate the beneficial effects of desirable ...

Growing Out of the Experience

How Subjective Experiences of Effort and Learning Influence the Use of Interleaved Practice

In higher education, many students make poor learning strategy decisions. This, in part, results from the counterintuitive nature of effective learning strategies: they enhance long-term learning but also cost high initial effort and appear to not improve learning (immediately). ...