M.N. Roelofs

8 records found

Technology selection is ubiquitous in all manners of complex systems engineering, design and everyday business operations. Technologies are often complex entities shrouded in uncertainty, assumptions and interpretation. Therefore, quantifying their effect (i.e. outcome) becomes c ...
Technology forecasting is an essential starting point for conceptual design of any complex engineering system. In fact, many research projects are focused on developing a small set of promising technologies to a suitable readiness level. However, selecting a set of technologies f ...
In conceptual design of any engineering system, decisions are made regarding which technologies to include and where. One of the first stages of that process is constructing the technology compatibility matrix (TCM), which indicates the compatibility of each pair in a technology ...
One of the first stages during technology evaluation and selection is constructing the technology compatibility matrix, which indicates the compatibility of each pair in a technology portfolio. Construction of the technology compatibility matrix usually involves subjective expert ...
The need to reduce the pollutant impact of aircraft emission drives the research on aircraft design progress through off-design performance improvement. This report proposes to investigate the effect of maneuver load alleviation technology via wing control surfaces for this purpo ...
Evaluation and assessment of novel technologies for aerospace applications is essential for business strategy and decision making regarding development efforts. However, technology evaluation and assessment are challenging to perform objectively using a structured approach. As a ...
Evaluation and assessment of novel technologies for aerospace applications is essential for business strategy and decision making regarding development efforts. Since technology is evaluated in the conceptual design phase and little is known about the technology, large uncertaint ...