Mariska Janssen

3 records found

People with severe muscle weakness in the upper extremity are in need of an arm support to enhance arm function and improve their quality of life. In addition to weight support, compensation of passive joint impedance (pJimp) seems necessary. Existing devices do not compensate fo ...
This study aimed to identify critical physiological outcome variables underlying reduced upper extremity task performance in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). These critical variables were used to propose an explanatory biophysical model of the upper ...

Dynamic arm study

Quantitative description of upper extremity function and activity of boys and men with duchenne muscular dystrophy

Background: Therapeutic management of upper extremity (UE) function of boys and men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) requires sensitive and objective assessment. Therefore, we aimed to measure physiologic UE function of healthy subjects and DMD patients in different disease ...