The provision of sanitation service requires fulfilment of system processes including containment, conveyance, treatment, and disposal/reuse—or the sanitation value chain (Trémolet, 2011; Blackett et al., 2014; Tilley et al., 2014) as shown in Figure 1. The conveyance process is
The provision of sanitation service requires fulfilment of system processes including containment, conveyance, treatment, and disposal/reuse—or the sanitation value chain (Trémolet, 2011; Blackett et al., 2014; Tilley et al., 2014) as shown in Figure 1. The conveyance process is further divided into emptying and transport for decentralized system or faecal sludge management (FSM) system, and with sewerage network for centralized system or sewer-based (SB) system. For low and middle income countries, FSM is the norm covering 60-100% of the population (WSP, 2016). However, irrespective of the type of sanitation system, the problem lies on unsustainable sanitation projects due to unaccounted life cycle costs and incomplete consideration of the entire
sanitation chain (Moriarty et al., 2011; Fonseca et al., 2011). @en