Employee-driven innovation (EDI) burgeons as an important mechanism to drive the exploration activities by making the general employees responsible for innovation. However, little is known about the conditions under which EDI is most effective. To get a better understanding of ED
Employee-driven innovation (EDI) burgeons as an important mechanism to drive the exploration activities by making the general employees responsible for innovation. However, little is known about the conditions under which EDI is most effective. To get a better understanding of EDI, we examine how Stedin, an established global player within the energy distribution industry based in the Netherlands, involves its general employees in innovation activities. Stedin actively supports EDI through strategic programmes designed to stimulate employee innovation. Our findings highlight that collaboration is a main driver of EDI at Stedin. In the early implementation phases, dynamic, heterogeneous, informal and distant collaborations are essential, while the later phases benefit from more stability and intimacy. The insights from our detailed case study provide actionable guidelines for organising EDI initiatives in practice.