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H.A. Prins
Academic Work (6)
Abstract (1)
Conference paper (1)
Report (4)
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6 records found
Comparison of operative notes with visual recordings
Abstract (2008) -
LSGL Wauben (author)
WMU van Grevenstein (author)
EGJM Pierik (author)
JF Lange (author)
Richard Goossens (author)
D.J. van Eijk (author)
JPCM Oomen (author)
R Vree (author)
PW Plaisier (author)
ND Bouvy (author)
H.A. Prins (author)
ECJ Consten (author)
Modeling a 80 kV pulse source for Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF)
Conference paper (2002) -
Bart Roodenburg (author)
J Morren (author)
S.W.H. de Haan (author)
H.A. Prins (author)
YLM Creyghton (author)
Assembly testing of the test-platform - Electrical measurements -
Report (2001) -
SWH de Haan (author)
J Morren (author)
HFM van Bosch (author)
YLM Creyghton (author)
RHSH Beurskens (author)
H.A. Prins (author)
Pulsed power for pulsed electric field processing of food: Opportunities of semiconductor opening switches
Report (2001) -
H.A. Prins (author)
YLM Creyghton (author)
Environmental impact of batteries: lithium-ion, alkaline, NiMH (projectnr. KIEM 99014 vertrouwelijk)
Report (2000) -
M. ten Houten (author)
Arjen J. Jansen (author)
H.A. Prins (author)
Environmental impact of human-powered energy systems (projectnr. KIEM 99014 vertrouwelijk)
Report (2000) -
AJ Jansen (author)
S. van Leeuwen (author)
H.A. Prins (author)
T.R. Reinertsen (author)
I.M. Vogel (author)