Shiyuan Zheng

4 records found

The development modes of inland ports

Theoretical models and the Chinese cases

This paper examines the development modes of inland ports based on the economic models and the Chinese empirical cases. After reviewing the recent policies in China, four modes, i.e., the government-driven mode, the seaport-driven, the market-driven mode and the corridor-effect m ...
This paper uses a real option approach to analyze terminal investment timing decisions for situations in which a port faces competition from its rivals in an uncertain market. We propose a network model to describe carriers’ cargo routing decisions and competition among rival por ...
This article studies port dual regulation mechanisms in which a central government and a local government act either simultaneously or sequentially. Optimal tariffs, port capacities and port efficiency levels under these dual regulation schemes are determined following a principa ...
This paper proposes and investigates three schemes for cost allocation in a container shipping alliance considering the economies of scale. In order to deal with the complicated interactions between carriers and the impact of the economies of scale on shipping cost, a duality-bas ...